Sara Cammarosano is a jewellery designer and goldsmith who lives and works in Cilento, a land immersed in nature and myth, rich in Unesco with the National Park, Paestum, Velia and the Certosa di Padula. A land with majestic mountains, virgin forests and uncontaminated seas, and today home to the Mediterranean Diet, synonymous not only with good food but good living, in contact with things that make the mind and body feel good. In this land Sara was born and decided to make a living doing an ancient and fascinating craft, that of the goldsmith, making both her own lines and jewellery on commission, but also promoting the culture of the goldsmith with workshops and demonstrations as well as activities to enhance the jewellery of cultural interest in the Cilento, Vallo di Diano and Alburni National Park with the Monilia project.
Her long period of specialised training, which is still in progress, includes Jewellery Design at the Italian Academy in Rome, Goldsmith Art at Tarì in Marcianise, Archaeological Metal Restoration at Camnes in Florence, and then Setting at the Academy of Goldsmith Arts in Rome, and finally a course for Technician for the Promotion and Enhancement of Cultural Heritage and Activities. After working in large and small companies, including within Tarì, she set up on her own, dealing with the design and handcrafted production of jewellery, jewellery, metal objects, accessories and stage, theatre and film ornaments. Her activity extends to the maintenance and restoration of jewellery, objects and metal parts.
In 2023, Sara Cammarosano successfully submitted a project to the Campania Region as a beneficiary of co-financing under the POR Campania FESR 2014-2020 [CUP B75G23000040007]. The project had two general objectives: the first was to strengthen the instrumental endowment of the workshop with the purchase of machinery, equipment and IT products, also with a view to improving environmental performance. The second general objective of the project co-funded by the European Union, the Italian State and the Campania Region concerns the other business asset, which is that of enhancing the goldsmiths' heritage of cultural interest in the area of reference, with the creation of the Treasures of the Park network. This additional general objective, which is not of a commercial nature and is an expression of corporate social responsibility, is part of the strategy of the Integrated Management Plan of the UNESCO site of the Cilento Vallo di Diano and Alburni National Park and aims to increase the knowledge of the cultural heritage both by the local communities and by a wider public, thus enhancing the tourist attractiveness of the reference territory.